The most important thing I learned was multiplication and division.
My favorite project was our animal project.
I was most surprised by how Mrs.Perry was our technology teacher.
The thing I disliked most was all the work.
The most important thing I learned was multiplication and division.
My favorite project was our animal project.
I was most surprised by how Mrs.Perry was our technology teacher.
The thing I disliked most was all the work.
For bullies to be punished.
For boys to hit girls and for girls to hit boys.
I wish i could wrestle at school
Mary Mclead Bethune achieved the civil rights leader.She was also a teacher
First Emmet get’s ready for his job.
Then he falls down the pit of doom.
Then he goes to koko land.
Then he finds out he was the speshel.
Then lord bussinus lost.
My new years reselotion is to get better grades
Please make recess longer princable. We want more things to play on.Because we need to let our energy out.We need more playground time.
1.What is your favorite ad on TV?why? M&M because they put props and it looks real.2.Are there any places advertising should not be used?Why or why not?No because there could be any thing that you need to use.